Greedy Sheriffs

Some sheriffs are good, others are bad, and still others are greedy. We're dealing with the latter in Greedy Sheriffs, a clever puzzle game by trio Vitaliy Vengura, Taras Polovko, and Dmytro Strembetsky. While ruffians and highwaymen no doubt are causing chaos top-side, these law men are deep in a cave seeking treasure. Your goal is to get each sheriff to the corresponding gem of his color within a certain number of steps. Click and drag to mark a path for a sheriff to follow. If you notice a flaw in your path, press the [spacebar] to make the sheriff stop in his tracks so you can reroute him. If you get stuck or make a fatal mistake, click the reset button or press [R] to restart a level. Stars, needed to unlock more levels, are rewarded depending upon how many steps you you took to solve each level.
There are 40 levels to solve in all, provided you can make your way past trolls, through portals, and across disappearing walkways. These added gameplay elements give a good amount of variety to the levels. Though some puzzles present an obvious solution, others cause you to stop and think while carefully planning out your route. Even if you think a sheriff should be stopping a bank robbery rather than spelunking, Greedy Sheriffs is a very enjoyable way to get your puzzle fix.
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